Exciting News: Coming Soon - Meet the Judges!

The cannabis industry is fueled by healing, creativity, and a strong sense of community. And guess who’s leading the way? Women! From entrepreneurs and activists to researchers and regulators, these incredible women are shaping the future of this dynamic industry. Their empowerment paves the way for diverse and inclusive businesses, thriving communities, and the full potential of this amazing plant.

We’re not just here to support women in cannabis – we’re here to celebrate their success. Because when women thrive in this industry, we all benefit.

So, who’s got the honor of judging these trailblazers? The big announcement is just around the corner! Keep your eyes peeled for the reveal of the judges who will recognize and honor these powerful women in cannabis. Stay tuned – it’s going to be amazing!

Cannabis is not just about getting high. It's about healing, creativity, and a connection to something greater than ourselves.

Amanda Reiman

Cannabis Researcher and Social Justice Advocate